Lakeside Niagara wines for Ontario wine lovers and enthusiasts who seek distinct flavour wines that are locally grown with care and crafted not manufactured. 

The Lizak’s have owned the farm since the 1940’s. Initially a fruit farm, turning to grapes early 2000. The winery was started in 1999. Initially, producing fruit wines, turning to grape wines in 2001. 3 Generation Family owned vineyard and winery, run by second generation immigrant farmers with a long history of fruit growing and wine production in Niagara. Producing 18,000 cases across a wide variety of wines not currently available in the LCBO and other retail

Award winning vintages in several categories

  • All our vintages contain 100% estate grown grape
  • We strive for 100% single varietals ONLY
  • Traditional wine making with lower contact and less manipulation
  • No forced aging, less technology
  • No lactose processing
  • No egg white
  • Low sulfate production (Organic Levels)
  • VEGAN Friendly
  • We are urged to reduce our carbon footprint, minimize the impact of our actions or purchases for the well-being of others and the planet
  • Careful farming, which is usually environmentally and/or organically friendly, often produces wines that are more lively, energetic, expressive and downright delicious. We have them here at Legends now you should seek them out and try the white label or black labelled wines.
  • The more people who are farming in an Earth-friendly way, the better.

About the winery

What it means for the Wine Lover and Enthuasist 

Family owned vineyard and winery

The Lizak’s have owned the farm since the 1940’s.  Initially a fruit farm, turning to grapes early 2000

The winery was started in 1999.  Initially, producing fruit wines, turning to grape wines in 2001

On the farm farmers – not a corporate investment

Lakeside location

Sandy fertile loam soil that drains well keeping water away from the vine roots

Micro-climate moderating temperature extremes

Fruitier grapes with excellent acidity levels from stronger harvests that don’t need supplemental blending or imported grapes from other vineyards

Regionally rare, difficult varietals like Semillon, Malbec, Merlot and Petite Verdot

Fruit growing heritage

More challenging and labour intensive growing practices brought to growing grapes

Includes the following practices:

  • Pruning for fewer buds per vine
  • Selective thinning for fewer grape bunches per vine
  • Manual de-leafing for more sunlit, airflow and mildew control

Lower volume of grapes with a bigger berries, better acidity

Vine-to-wine quality control

Bio-dynamic farming

Organic(ish) practices including bio-fertilizer, fewer insect spraying with only the weeds between wine rows sprayed

Less harmful to the environment and humans without compromising grape quality

Local, estate and varietal purity

Only 85% of a wine must come from Niagara grapes to qualify as Ontario, Niagara VQA.  Blended in Ontario can mean that the grapes come from outside of Ontario

All our vintages contain 100% estate grown grapes

We strive for 100% single varietals, even though legally a varietal label vintage can contain up to 15% other grapes 

Blends are similar

Grape farming is not a science – rarely harvests necessitate blending in single varietals and using off the vineyard grapes to maintain flavor profiles

True to grape flavour profiles

Vine to wine quality control

100% Canadian, Ontario grown grapes